

Aromatherapy…it’s not just another pretty scent!  This is one of the most beautiful means of natural healing.  Aromatherapy uses the essential oils of herbs and plants to bring about healing.  Most well known for its excellent ability to aid in stress management, aromatherapy is so much more!  Just like the herbs and plants that the essential oils come from, they each have their own special healing property.

Using individual or customized blends of oils, aromatherpists can help you lower your blood pressure, detoxify your body, enhance the performance of glands and vital organs, and pacify the digestive processes.  All of this….done beautifully, gently, and with amazing fragrances.

Aromatherapy is excellent for calming and tranquilizing anxiousness.  A deep inhalation of lavender, jasmine, or clary sage can calm worry and fretfulness.  On the flip side, if you are needing a boost of mental or emotional energy, you could use the essential oils of black pepper or basil.

There are three ways that you can use essential oils:  inhalation, topically, or ingested.  I would not suggest ingesting any essential oils without first consulting the expertise of an aromatherapist.  Aromatherapy is excellent in the treatment of infections, viral or bacterial, skin conditions, and autonomic nervous system imbalances.

When considering which method of natural healing you want to try, don’t forget to give aromatherapy a chance, you won’t regret it!

Wishing  you much health!  Bright blessings

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